Monday, April 28, 2008

Marcus Goodloe - Leading in Faith

Marcus Goodloe is a leader at Mosaic in Los Angeles. Marcus, or 'Goodie' as he likes to be called, is on staff with Erwin McManus. Goodie had breakout session aimed at what it takes to lead with faith for this new generation of people. As with all the breakout sessions, it would be impossible to convey the complete message that he brought to the table. However, here are some points (very brief) the Goodie shared with us. All of these points are about leading in faith.
*Leading in faith is trusting in the character of God.
-God is good and we need to take God at God's word
*Leading in faith is about transforming our character
-in moments of crisis, our true character comes out
-when we know that God is good, we can put our trust in God in difficult times
*Leading in faith is acknowledging that what was required at one point might not me accurate now
-in the transformations of our lives there are different things that God calls us to do
-what is god currently calling you in your community?
*Leading in faith IS about doubt
-you need to be able to lead people where you have been and be OK with that.
-people need to know that you have struggled and made it through so they can be secure in
the midst of their struggles
*Leading in faith is about activism
- Jesus' first word to the disciples was 'come' and the last was 'go'
*Leading in faith is about vision and insight
-It is only in the possibility where work the hardest

To lead in faith is about leading people to a new experience. It is about going out to ALL people and leading them in faith. When we lead in faith, even despite our own weaknesses, God will use us to use people.

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